Caitlin in Cambridge

Chapter two of my international adventures and studies: More than you'll ever want to know about my life in Cambridge, England

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Steph, Ryan, and Jane: Villanova at Cambridge

So, Steph and I had barely lugged all our things up the many many flights to my room, when we set off again in search of Cafe Rouge, for lunch with Jane, Ryan C., and Dan another Villanovan here. The restaurant was lovely, the company lovelier. Dan, who studies chants, is doing his PhD here. Ryan - who is famous for the email updates on his China adventures - was getting ready to leave for the US in a few days, so it was nice to get to catch up again before we're both off in different directions. And Jane was there! We spent a lot of time complaining to her about the complexities and rules and nonsense of Cambridge, marveling over the sunny weather, and catching up on Villanova gossip.

After lunch, Ryan thought punting sounded nice, so we all (minus Dan) set off to find an open punt. We got some pints to go (there's nothing like beer in plastic cups) and set off, with Ryan in control. Steph and I each took a turn punting - pretty unsuccessfully, but at least we can say we did it. Jane, very smartly, preferred to recline in the punt sipping her pint and snapping photos of us balancing on the back of the punt. On the way back, Ryan fell into the Cam - one of those often quoted but rarely seen episodes of punting disasters. Very exciting. Of course, as a swimmer, he was far more graceful about the falling and the getting back in the punt thing than I would have been. We also managed to lose the pole at one point...Very exciting - the two major punting problems all in one trip.

In the evening, we cooked burgers out back of Bateman St. And chatted with Elly and guests. When Jane and Ryan headed back to Wolfson, we went to the Panton Arms for a pint and then crashed early.

Sunday, Steph and I met Jane in town to walk to Grantchester for tea in the Orchard. The walk was lovely, and we managed to correctly identify thistle (though nettles remain a mystery). Cream tea was, well, cream tea. It was a great way to spend a lazy afternoon.

After, Steph and I headed to the Isaac Newton for the Ecuador-England game, but left with Megan, Leo, and Co. not long after as the hooligans are rather scary when England plays. We finished the game in New Hall, eating chips (crisps) and cookies.

Monday, we packed up for Spain before the Tit Hall Garden Party that, sadly, was inside because of bad weather. Clea, our steward, had created an amazing array of finger food, salads, and cheese. Lots of cheese. In fact, there was half a wheel of Brie. So much cheese!

Tuesday, at the crack of dawn (actually before), we trudged down to the rail station and headed to Stanstead...once we had checked in, gone through security, and downed some much needed caffeine, we had time to get really excited about Spain!

And then, on to Valencia!!!!


At 11:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Cait...

I know that this is soooooo random, since it's been about 3 years since I last had any contact with you... but my parents are actually moving & I've had to go through my piles & piles & piles of stuff from high school & college... I've actually been e-mailing a lot of random people over the last few weeks. I've been extremely nostalgic because of it. Anyways... so tonight I stumbled upon this awesome picture of us & a letter. It just made me smile. I've kinda kept up with you're life here & there... (I know i'm a slalker)... I found a link to this website a while ago (probably when you first started it). I actually just recently finally took you off my buddy list. So really I just wanted to get in touch and leave a message for you. Looking back at all this stuff makes me wonder if people look back and think of me from time to time & think about how I impacted thier lives.... Well if you get time, shoot me an e-mail. I'd love to catch up a little.

At 12:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh yeah... my e-mail address is either or


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