Caitlin in Cambridge

Chapter two of my international adventures and studies: More than you'll ever want to know about my life in Cambridge, England

Saturday, December 10, 2005

One term down, two to go!

Well, yesterday I handed in my 5-day long take home exam. I wasn't thrilled with it (since I hardly knew what the film questions were asking me and the sociology ones had nothing to do with what we discussed this term), but I just chalked it up to the dogdyness (sp?) of Cambridge, listened to a CD Adam made me, and thought good thoughts about returning home. Good thoughts were rewarded with end of term department party (loads of free wine, everyone in lovely mood, and one professor baked!), Greg (friend of friend) calling to congratulate me and take me for tea (desperately needed after free wine), and house Christmas party (I drew Fred's present - a Santa stocking cap and a stuffed lion, by far the best present in the pile).

Today it's off to Heathrow and back to NJ. Not exactly in the mood to sit in a plane for a bazillion hours, but think I can manage considering I'm SOOOO excited to go home, even if it is just for a week. And then of course there will be another plane ride and I'll be in Costa Rica. Chris called yesterday to congratulate me on end of exams and has promised to take me to HiperMas while I'm there....Don't know why that seems so exciting to me, but maybe they'll have more of my favorite tank tops and polo shirts for $6.

OK, off to make coffee and finish packing. More in January!


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