Caitlin in Cambridge

Chapter two of my international adventures and studies: More than you'll ever want to know about my life in Cambridge, England

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Week 1

Well, I've officially been here a week now.

I'm mostly settled in (my lovely package arrived today with lots of goodies like fleece pullovers and more sweaters - thanks, Mom!) and classes seem to be ok.

Of course the best part is the people. Trinity Hall, my college seems to have the greatest collection of amazing people from around the world. The MCR, that's the grad student association in the college is amazing. We've had events every day to get us acclimated, comfortable, and - in true Cambridge style - quite tipsy.

Today, after a long week of trying to figure out classes, advisors, and registering at 5 different libraries (you have register for each department's library separately...also very Cambridge of them...why do something the esay way when you can do it the way they did it in 1300?), today we relaxed by going punting on the river cam. Very fun. Next time maybe I'll even try punting. Although really, sitting in the boat eating crackers and drinking wine and cider is very enjoyable. And there were lots of ducks around (probably because we were eating lots of crackers). You also get the 'back' view of the colleges - which is amazing. Will put photos up shortly.

Am doing well, will write more soon, but now I better get some reading teaching myself film theory. Hurray!


At 2:41 PM, Blogger Michele said...

Just cruising through using the Next blog Button.
Congrats on a major educational adventure!!!!!
Things are much different there aren't they?
Good luck with everything!


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