Caitlin in Cambridge

Chapter two of my international adventures and studies: More than you'll ever want to know about my life in Cambridge, England

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Finally Hooked Up

Well, I'm here.

Landed at Heathrow after a disorienting flight across the Atlantic and wandered for what seemed like miles pushing my trolley with my incredibly heavy bags. Ended up at the Central Bus Station and had a bit of a wait for the Cambridge bus. The whole 2 hour journey I was torn between sleep and wanting to see the countryside. Got in around 2ish, right in the middle of that time of day when cars can't actually get to my college Trinity Hall (affectionately referred to as Tit Hall here)...So got a taxi sort of close (with a very helpful driver who gave me pointers and actually yelled at the police who wouldn't let him drive up to college) then starting dragging my bags down Trinity Lane (for those of you who know Cambridge, no I couldn't get near the Senate House, which is much closer). Everything was absolute chaos because it was moving-in day for the undergrads too. A mother and daughter took pity on me and helped me with my bags and helped me find the right hall. Then the tit hall porters took over and made me feel right at home. Marcus introduced me to other grads in the MCR (like the graduate commons) so I sat and chatted, drinking tea and going through the boxes of goodies left for me by Sarah B (Hurray for hangers and binders and guidebooks!!!).

The rest of the time has been nearly as hectic. Am finally settled into my room (which is quite big!) and have met my college mates and house mates and today finally the other Latin American Studies folks. The program is going to be tough, so I don't suppose I'm really going to join many clubs, but I figure I better find at least one extra curricular or I'm going to go crazy!

Right, well internet is finally connected and I have a cell phone (ask my mom for the #) - no minor feat as everything seems to be as complicated as possible for new students, especially the international ones. I thought bureaucracy was bad in Costa Rica, but it's even more complicated here, and no one lets you know what you have to do. With the exception of the Latin American Studies librarian, who strong-armed the Mill Lane librarians into letting us register for all our library passwords and codes and things today instead of tomorrow at 2 o Thursday at 9 or whatever the stupid rules are.

Right, well after a very successful Tit Hall MCR pub crawl last night, I'm taking tonight off to relax, get organized, and maybe watch some desperate housewives...More from me later


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