Caitlin in Cambridge

Chapter two of my international adventures and studies: More than you'll ever want to know about my life in Cambridge, England

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


I took a short break from Third Cinema film theory and shifts in Bolivian peasant mobilizations to get back in touch with my inner Jersey girl (that's NEW the United States of America....sometimes the Brits don't get it...) by reading another Stephanie Plum novel (by Janet Evanovich). Not only did it reconnect me to my homeland, but also made me realize that New Jersey and Cambridge, England aren't so differente after all....of course most of the pileups here are of bikes...

"The sky was overcast, threatening rain. No surprise there. Rain is de rigueur for Jersey in April. Steady gray drizzle that encourages statewide bas hair and couch potato mentality. In school they used to teach us that April showers bring May flower. April showers also bring twelve-car pileups on the Jersey Turnpike and swollen, snot-clogged sinuses. The upside to this is that we frequently have reason to shop for new cars in Jersey, and we're recognized worldwide for our distinctive nasal version of the English language..." Seven Up p. 93


At 10:49 AM, Blogger Michele said...

Awesome author to read.
I'm a massive romance reader myself as well as blogger.
I blog to some people on your side of the ocean...Love the difference in language.
In USA, saying " I'm pissed' means that you are MAD!
Where you means getting drunk.
When the person I was blogging to said that he got pissed with his Dad, I asked what his Dad did to get him so mad. I thought they were getting along well...that's when I found out that they were "getting drunk" together.., guess they WERE having a great time LOL!!!!
Anyay, happy reading between classes!


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